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meet jon

Coach, Speaker, Thought Leader

An uprising is underway.
Resistance is futile.

No seriously. Weā€™re in the fastest period of change in human history.

Weā€™re hospicing an out-dated culture and midwifing an entire new way of being.

This looks like innovation and crisis management, but make no mistake,
whatā€™s really happening is an uprising of the human spirit.

I help ambitious people and organizations
write new stories and strategies . . .

that uplift our spirit, deliver results today
and protect our tomorrows.


join the uprising

my journey has had many chapters

(as all good stories do)

Honing My Craft

Bringing transformation to execs, teams & some of Europeā€™s biggest organizations, plus my first published book (Realigning for Change)

Finding Purpose

Q. how can I put these skills to even better use?
A. put them in service of changing the world.
Step 1. writing another book, Your Planet Needs You

On a Global Stage

Step 2. join an organization trying to change the world, to take their messages global.

Finding Ancient Wisdom

Leading transformational journeys to mountains and jungles to learn from the wisdom keepers of ancient traditions.

Weaving New Stories

Combining all that Iā€™m learning on stage with a remit to touch hearts, change minds and inspire new possibilities.

Summoning the Mystery

Hosting spaces where we can encounter the wisdom and creativity of Life Herself and integrate that back into our lives.

Collaborations that Count

Bringing my experience and skills to collaborations at the intersection of personal transformation and global need. Letā€™s play.

Iā€™ve got strategies
now, where before
I was winging it.

It made the biggest difference with cultivating
and maintaining an enthusiasm level and sense
of perspective for the bigger picture and my
bigger goals and long term goals.

It was super helpful to have a
wise and soulful space to speak
into and to feel supported

You radiate love, wisdom, compassion and creativity.

I need to express my admiration for your incredible skill at inspiring others, speaking from your heart, and dealing with all the issues that arise from being human.

You have a gift of empowering those around you to not only find what calls to them but also to act on it.

Jon Symes may be the first authentic male role-model of my life.

I read your book last night and LOVE it. Thanks for gifting the world with your wisdom and inspiration!

I wanted to thank you personally for experiencing your leadership, guidance, openness, integrity, vulnerability and humanness.

Your light shines brighter than a thousand suns, there could not be anyone better than you to inspire thousands of young and old around the world to awaken.