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the world is changing
Ā new stories areĀ emerging

letā€™s write one

The old narratives that guided us are unraveling

Letā€™s write the new stories that will
guide you to a life of meaning and purpose,
and shape our collective destiny.

Here we embark on a journey of rewriting our stories,
stories forged by transformation, inspiration and exploration.

These are the guiding principles intricately woven into all of my work.


Real practical support as you write a new chapter in your life


Weaving new narratives to inspire you and your people


New perspectives, a fresh take on old challenges

jon symes

Coach, Speaker, Thought Leader

My greatest wish is that you find in these pages an opening to craft your own new story, and the inspiration to begin it now.

Two themes have shaped my life: the immense power of transformation and a calling to contribute to our collective destiny.

Following these has provided me with days of great success, dark nights of the soul, and more than a few stories.

Any wisdom and experience Iā€™ve gained along the way is poured back into my work, and your transformation.

meet jon

a 7-day challenge

write your
new chapter

embark on a profound exploration of your
life, rediscovering your purpose and setting
you on a path of renewed fulfillment

a 7-day challenge

write your
new chapter

embark on a profound exploration of your
life, rediscovering your purpose and setting
you on a path of renewed fulfillment